Research Article
Measurement Model Testing: Adaption of Metacognitive Awareness Toward Mathematic Reasoning Among Undergraduate Education Students
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1 Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 3(2), July 2022, ep22021,
Submitted: 24 June 2022, Published: 06 October 2022
OPEN ACCESS 1005 Views 1272 Downloads
This quantitative research aimed to measure the metacognitive awareness model toward mathematics reasoning among 184 university students. Metacognitive awareness demonstrates convergent, and discriminant validity was performed, which includes six factors: conditional knowledge, declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, monitoring, planning, and evaluation. Data analysis was using exploratory factor analysis. The results indicated that Cronbach’s alpha coefficients demonstrated that metacognitive awareness was a reliable instrument researcher could use to evaluate university students’ mathematical reasoning abilities. This research analysis revealed that positive relationship between metacognitive awareness and mathematics reasoning among university students.
Tak, C. C., Zulnaidi, H., & Eu, L. K. (2022). Measurement Model Testing: Adaption of Metacognitive Awareness Toward Mathematic Reasoning Among Undergraduate Education Students. Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 3(2), ep22021.
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