Research Article

Exploring the density property of rational numbers in Mexican textbooks

Isayda Lorena López-Padilla 1 * , José Antonio Juárez-López 1 , Lizzet Morales-García 1
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1 Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla, Puebla, MEXICO* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 5(2), July 2024, ep24008,
Submitted: 14 December 2023, Published Online: 11 June 2024, Published: 01 July 2024
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In this article we present an analysis of the density property of rational numbers in eight Mexican textbooks for the first grade of secondary education. This research was qualitative and was based on the semiotic representation register theory and the technique of content analysis. In that sense, the analysis focused specifically on the treatment of definitions and examples, semiotic registers and the transformations involved in the tasks. As a result, it was found that the natural and numerical registers have the greatest presence in the definitions of the property of density, as well as in the tasks proposed to address its teaching. Likewise, few tasks were identified that allow for transformations between registers, which could be an obstacle for the student to create semiotic representations of the density property.


López-Padilla, I. L., Juárez-López, J. A., & Morales-García, L. (2024). Exploring the density property of rational numbers in Mexican textbooks. Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 5(2), ep24008.


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