Research Article
Enhancing Mathematical Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills through Emergenetics® as a Grouping Mechanism
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1 College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research, Philippine Normal University, PHILIPPINES2 San Pedro College of Business Administration, PHILIPPINES3 San Pedro Relocation Center National High School, PHILIPPINES* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 2(1), January 2021, ep21002,
Submitted: 27 August 2020, Published: 29 November 2020
OPEN ACCESS 5654 Views 8913 Downloads
Mathematical critical thinking and problem-solving skills are needed to be enhanced during a group activity through a new mechanism. This study aimed to enhance students’ mathematical critical thinking and problem-solving based on Emergenetics® as a grouping mechanism. This is a practical action research design wherein the researchers made profiling to identify the dominant thinking attributes of each student followed by the formation of the group. Then, a pre-test was used to assess the level of critical thinking and problem-solving skills of the students. After that, the formation of a group with a complete set of four thinking attributes. Moreover, four group learning tasks were given at regular intervals wherein the students must collaboratively find the solutions to the given Statistics and Probability problems by combining their thinking attributes. After three months, the post-test of validated test materials and interviews were administered. Based on the findings, the students enjoyed group activity because of the collaboration and a combination of abilities in doing the task. A significant increase exists from pre-test to post-test scores of the students. Through Emergenetics® as a grouping mechanism helps the students to combine their attributes and work collaboratively towards the accomplishment of the group task.
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