Research Article
Effect of Schema Use in Solving Word Problems: Emphasis on Linguistic Difficulties
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1 Sampoerna University, INDONESIA2 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, INDONESIA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 1(2), July 2020, ep20006,
Submitted: 29 June 2020, Published: 30 August 2020
OPEN ACCESS 1391 Views 1375 Downloads
Students’ ability in solving mathematics word problems has been considered low, especially caused by difficulties in understanding information provided. Schema can be a helpful tool for students to face such difficulties. The aim of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of schema in resolving difficulties based on linguistic aspects constructing word problem (multiple representation systems, vocabulary, and grammar and syntax). A mixed method study of embedded experimental model was conducted with 69 participants of 11th grade students. Quantitative analysis to determine the effectiveness of schema was done by testing whether mathematical linguistic difficulties of treatment group was significantly lower than control students. Mathematical linguistic difficulties in each aspect were analyzed from the indicator-based coding of students’ work on word problem test. Qualitative analysis was conducted by comparing experiment and control students’ work on post-test. Experiment students showed significantly lower mathematical linguistic difficulties in each aspect compared to control ones. In general, schema is proven to be effective in resolving difficulties in each aspect. Qualitatively, students being taught schema showed more attention upon the whole information provided and were more self-directed in determining solving steps.
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