Research Article

A model for scaffolding mathematical problem-solving: From theory to practice

Yong Khin Tay 1 , Tin Lam Toh 1 *
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1 National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Walk, SINGAPORE* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 4(2), July 2023, ep23019,
Published Online: 25 May 2023, Published: 01 July 2023
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Devising a plan is an important phase in the teaching and learning of mathematical problem-solving in a mathematics classroom. In this paper, we propose devise a plan (DP) model for scaffolding students in devising a plan to engage them in mathematical problem-solving for classroom instruction and beyond. Although mathematics educators have proposed problem-solving scaffold, mainly building on Polya’s (1945) and Schoenfeld’s (1985) problem-solving models, for authentic problem-solving in the classroom, the phase on devising a plan was generally brief. We expand on the scaffolding of the intermediate stages of devising the plan for teachers to teach problem-solving, with a more ambitious goal of enabling students to engage in independent problem-solving beyond the classrooms. Features that are used in the planning stage of problem-solving are identified through a systematic literature review. Our proposed DP model includes the use of both metacognitive strategies and problem-solving heuristics. The application of our proposed model was exemplified by the solution of three non-routine problem on proportionality.


Tay, Y. K., & Toh, T. L. (2023). A model for scaffolding mathematical problem-solving: From theory to practice. Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 4(2), ep23019.


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